In March 2019 Nottingham and Derby bid for, and were awarded £8.345m of investment from the Department for Transport Transforming Cities Fund. There are two parts, buses (£5.045m) and active travel (£3.3m). All schemes are scheduled to finish by March 2020.
This post only covers Tranche 1, there is a much bigger second phase, with higher levels of investment and longer timescales.
What is Transforming Cities?
The Transforming Cities Fund will address weaknesses in city transport systems in order to raise productivity and spread prosperity. It will fund new local transport links, making it easier to travel between often more prosperous city centres and frequently struggling suburbs.
This will help make sure people across the country have better options to combine different modes of transport – supporting projects which will improve connectivity, reduce congestion and introduce new mobility services and technology.
What’s happening in Nottingham and Derby?
Component 1: Nottingham to East Midlands Airport via Clifton Growth Area Route Improvements
Improved access to Nottingham Station/cycle parking hubs and city centre network from the south. | £138,000 |
Upgrading of 1,200m on road cycle facilities to connect the residential area of Clifton and large housing extension with existing paths to complete a 9km off road route to the city centre from the southern outskirts of Nottingham (N1 route corridor). | £963,000 |
Working with Highways England, up to 2,100m of foot and cycle path will be upgraded along A453/B679 (N2 route corridor). | £550,000 |
Component 2: Nottingham to Derby via Nottingham Enterprise Zone Route Improvements
Integrate new walking and cycling connections into and through Nottingham’s Enterprise Zone (Boots campus) strategic cycle route N3b. | £83,000 |
Upgrading of the traffic free route that follows the Nottingham-Beeston Canal. This will include improving links from the public highway, lighting under dark bridges and widening of the existing towpath at pinch points, along an 8.1km section of the canal. | £138,000 |
Component 3: Derby to Nottingham Improvements (Spondon Area) – funding award to be transferred to Derby for delivery in their area
Improved cycle access to an existing route; works to the former Canal Path between Megaloughton Lane and the proposed housing development and links from Spondon residential areas. | £275,000 |
Improvements to existing cycle route linking Raynesway with Meadow Lane; new cycle links to residential areas and improvements to route between Highfield Lane and Meadow Lane. | £110,000 |
Off road cycle route along Chequers Road towards the city centre including the construction of a new Toucan crossing on Hampshire Road and improvements to junction layouts to provide improved access and better visibility for cyclists and pedestrians | £220,000 |
New off road cycle route on land presently owned by Network Rail, including preparation works to wooded areas, fencing and access to the public highway and works adjacent to the Raynesway slip road. | £220,000 |
Component 4: Cycle Hire/eBike Scheme Expansion
Expansion of the existing eBike scheme in Derby and a contribution towards an expanded replacement cycle hire scheme with an eBike component in Nottingham (funding split 50/50% with Derby City Council) | £605,000 |
These maps show where the various active travel schemes are, they’re taken from the active travel bid appendix.
Links to key documents
Expression of Interest – June 2018
Derby-Nottingham Public Transport Technology Package
Funding Bid, Appendix, Modelling
Derby-Nottingham Active Travel Bid
Funding Bid, Appendix, Bike Hire Modelling, Modelling Low, Modelling High, Modelling Break Even
The council approved the programme and spend at the May 2019 meeting of the Executive Board.
Report/decision, Grant Award Letter, Scheme and Procurement Table, Local Funding Contributions, Equality Impact Assessment