Please help us make Nottingham City Centre more cycle friendly by responding to the City Centre Strategy consultation today. It will only take 2 minutes!
What to write
The two most important questions are on pages 3 and 6. (You can do the others if you like, but skip to 3 and 6 for the speedy option.)
Our suggested key points are below but feel free to use your own words.
Page 3 – “What would encourage you to visit the city centre more frequently?”
- Safe and convenient cycling routes into the city centre.
- Protected cycle paths along the roads leading into the city centre.
- Cycle routes good enough so that I can cycle with my family to the city centre.
Page 6 – “What do you think are the priorities to help improve pedestrian and cycle access in the City Centre?”
- Protected cycle paths on main roads* around the city centre so that when the pedestrianised areas are busy, there are safe alternative routes available.
- Open up one-way streets to be two-way for people cycling.
- More cycle parking (both on-street and cycle hubs) in convenient locations and where demand already outstrips supply.
*The roads which need protected cycle paths are the busy main roads which carry lots of motor traffic, where currently only the fit and the brave cycle! Maid Marian Way, Upper Parliament Street, Derby Road, Wollaton Street, Talbot Street, South Sherwood Street, Mansfield Road, Huntingdon Street, Glasshouse Street, Cranbrook Street, Lower Parliament Street, Cranbrook Street, Belward Street, Bellar Gate, Fisher Gate, Pennyfoot Street, Manvers Street, Canal Street, London Road, Queens Road and Wilford Street.
Please spend 2 minutes helping us to make Nottingham a more cycle-friendly city today!
Send your consultation response now
Thank you!