Keith Morgan of Nottingham City Council attended the 16/10/17 Pedals meeting to discuss the proposals for Broadmarsh redevelopment. Here are the key points:
Concerns and issues to consider:
- Concerns that without segregation along Canal Street that with the level of buses, bus stops and car park access it will replicate Parliament Street, which is not seen as a good environment for cyclists.
- Ensuring there is a clear north – south route for cyclists and show options:
- Highlight you can’t cycle in the BM centre but there is a connection via Lister Gate
- More detail for Middle Hill to see how this will work for cyclists
- MMW should have a better connection at the Toll House Hill roundabout to connect northbound cyclists to Parliament Street (without needing to get into right hand lane)
- Provision for cyclists heading south down Grey Friar Gate to get to Wilford Road which leads to wider connections to the south/south west
- Concerns cycle connections will require a large number of stop start toucans and island hopping
- A discussion should be had with NCP to see if secure parking can be provided in the Arndale
- Provision to allow cyclists to get between Middle Hill and Trent Street
Pedals would like more information on:
- Location of cycle parking
- In the new bus station
- On street
- Location and number of bus stops
- Number of buses which will be on Canal Street at peak times
- Location of car park entrance
- When the traffic switch will take place to remove traffic from Canal Street
- Capacity of the new Broadmarsh car park
Incidentally, an item appeared in the 3 Nov Nottingham Evening Post on the dangers for cyclists in the Broadmarsh area.