Why is this so poorly planned and promoted?
In May East Midlands Trains opened their new Cycle Hub on the south, i.e. Queen’s Road, side of Nottingham Station, but Pedals thinks that this has been very poorly planned and promoted.
We have now had many complaints on several issues including:
- Very poor cycle access, especially bearing in mind that the already busy Queen’s Road will soon be taking a lot more traffic with the City Council’s plans for next year to divert most through traffic from Collin Street and Canal Street in the Broad Marsh area.
- Very poor signing of the new facility, by the entrance, within the Station and on the main approach routes.
- Lack of publicity on how to obtain the fobs to access the facility, on payment of the £10 fee.
We therefore arranged a meeting on 19th September to discuss these with Sarah Turner and colleagues from EMT, as well as Keith Morgan from the City Council. Peter Briggs, Hugh McClintock and Paul Abel attended from Pedals, and Adrian Juffs from Ridewise.
Comments were also made at the meeting about the poor state of the older Secure Bike Compound on the north (Station Street) side of the Station, opposite Loxley House, and accessible with a Citycard (for free). The doors often do not close properly and maintenance has been much neglected, with weeds growing everywhere, and much litter, very much giving the impression that cyclists are a second rate form of station user!
As a result of the meeting the following actions were agreed and it was also agreed to meet again in 3 months to review progress. We will also invite Russell, who will soon be taking over a new retail business in the hub (based on his successful experience in running such a facility for EMT at Sheffield station) to a Pedals meeting to discuss its operation, once it is up and running.
1. Station Street Cycle Store
Electronic doors have not closed properly for the last few months.
There is confusion as to who is responsible – NCC are responsible for the cage and the electronic door as this is a City card entry system
Entrance area inside the cage is dirty and requires weeding. Keith confirmed that EMT are responsible for the area. EMT do not have access.
Arrange for door to be fixed and place a sign on the cage with contact details to report issues. (Keith Morgan)
EMT to be provided with city cards for access to clear the facility (Keith Morgan / Matt Bamford)
2. New Queen’s Road Cycle hub
Group provided feedback on new hub:
Group frustrated at the lack of engagement from EMT in the run up to the hub opening.
The entrance is unsafe due to Queens Street road – there is no turning point or dropped kerb for cyclists to safely exit the busy road.
Branding for new cycle hub is poor and entrance area is difficult to see.
Window coverings do not make it clear that it is a cycle facility.
The entrance is lost and confusing.
The top doors do not always work and you cannot gain entry from them.
No signage with contact details of whom to report faults or contact if there is a problem.
Poor advertising for the facility and confusion of where to purchase a fob from.
Facility has been in very poor state of cleanliness.
No tools for cyclists – pump etc.
There is no instruction how to use the cycle stands and the top stands are too high and dangerous to place your bike.
EMT Provided an update:
EMT will work with the group on the hub to improve and promote the facility.
New cycle shop fit out starts next week and Russell should be open for October.
Cycle hub has now been placed on the cleaning spec and will be cleaned daily.
Marketing campaign will start once the shop opens.
Fobs can now be purchased from the ticket office.
Racks are used in all of our hubs. We have not received any complaints regarding the top racks.
EMT to review signage in and around the station for the hub (Matt Bamford)
Window signage to be reviewed to better promote the hub (EMT Marketing)
Instructions to be placed around the hub for the racks (Matt)
Guidance and hub etiquette to be placed on the walls (Matt / Russell)
NCC / EMT to meet to discuss Queen street entrance improvements (Sarah Turner / Keith Morgan)
Pumps and basic tools to be placed in the hub for cyclists to use (Matt/Russell)
Notice boards to be placed in the hub (Matt)
Review of hub facility to take place to make minor improvements (Matt / Sarah/ Paul Abel)
EMT ask Russell to attend monthly PEDALS meetings (Matt)
EMT to arrange 2nd marketing campaign for hub once the shop opens (EMT Marketing)
EMT / NCC to review the milk dock area for increased capacity and dual fob usage (Keith/Sarah)
EMT to look into electric charge points in the hub (Sarah)
Follow up meeting to be arranged in 3 months’ time (Sarah)
UPDATE: Nottingham Station Cycle Hub Follow-Up Meeting Minutes/Actions – 12/12/16
UPDATE: Nottingham Station Cycle Hub Follow-Up Meeting – Actions Update – 3/2/17