Cycle Super Highway & Western Cycle Corridor – Official Opening – 14th December

UPDATE: The official opening on December 14th has now been cancelled. A revised date will be arranged in the New Year.

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John Bann – Cycling and Road Space Transformation Manager at Nottingham City Council – provided the following details:

Ribbon Cutting – 14th December – 8.30am at Castle Boulevard/Castle Road section (beginning of Super Highway) – back drop of Castle

Our intention is to officially open the Cycle Super Highway and Western Cycle Corridor for all to use. Launch new Cycle City signage – New route name for the Western Cycle Corridor – N3. Encouraging people to get on their bikes and try it out – makes commuting into the city easier for all.

Also a free public Cycle Ride to be organised and promoted with Ridewise for the 17th December to encourage getting to know the route and get people on their bikes.

How to Use guides: Three videos produced by Nottingham BikeWorks for NCC promoting the new cycle facilities of side roads and the cycle superhighway have been developed theses will be added to social media channels and promoted as part of the launch to help promote the importance of safety on the new routes and how to use guidance.

Signage and branding of route: The new signage will be launched at this event providing examples of what the new route signage will look like including the revised names of all routes – Western Cycle Corridor will now be called N3

A press release will be sent to media W/C 12th December.

Attendees for Photo Call – 14th December – 8.30

  • Cllr McDonald – Ribbon Cutting with
  • Kajsa Tylen – – Ribbon Cutting – Swedish national and Nottingham resident – Just beaten a cycling mileage world record set in the 1930s of cycling over 29,604 miles in a year – her message is for everyone to change their lifestyle and get on a bike – she is happy to support us in promoting our infrastructure and attend this event

Also in attendance:

  • Chief Executive of Sustrans – Xavier Bruce – confirmed attendance. (Sustrans involved in conceptual design of the scheme.)
  • Chief Executive of Whitehouse Construction (Derbyshire based company which built the Cycle Superhighway) – Steve McKeown – confirmed attendance
  • Pedals, Ridewise, Nottingham Cycle Works and British Cycling representatives
  • representative from the D2N2 LEP which provided the funding


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